Saturday, March 26, 2011


Ok, months ago I posted about Robert Smith and his fasterEFT. I had ran across it somewhere and started watching his videos on youtube I had heard of NLP and EFT and others, so I was pretty open to seeing his technique. All I can say's amazing! I can now take the "sting" out of my bad emotions. It IS faster and just seems to neutralize the problem.

Lately, I have been having tons of issues, some from the past, some current. I just couldn't seem to handle it all. I wanted to flat give up!
I know many of you are feeling the same way. Maybe it's something that just came up or something that you've been dealing with for years. Wouldn't it be wonderful to fix it, once and for all. Why carry the baggage? Wouldn't you rather be at peace? I plan on dealing with everything, I mean EVERYTHING that comes up right away. It's so easy, I'm only sorry that I didn't get with this a long time ago.

The youtube videos are great and gives you a good idea how it all works and how quickly it works and pretty much painless. Yes, you might have to deal with the bad feeling for one last time and then poof, it's neutralized. Sure the memory is there, but it just doesn't seem to "get you" anymore.

Robert has many video sets for help in different areas and he even has a set that teaches you to use it with others. Wouldn't it be wonderful to help your friends and family and lighten their load? Many choose to do this in their profession (i.e. therapist, healers, etc.) If you are really having problems and are on the edge, I suggest you have a private session with Robert in person or on the phone, it will change your life. Visit his site at Faster EFT
Please post your comments on the experiences you've had. I just love this!

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