Friday, December 17, 2010

My new Skechers!

Do you have a problem standing on your feet all day? I sure did, especially on my heels. I've tried all kinds of shoes, but by the end of the day, I would be in tears, my feet hurt so bad. I ran into a lady that had some on and I asked her if she liked them. Not only did she like them, she loved the way they feel. She has a job where she is on her feet all day. No time to sit and take a break to rest your tootsies. I wasn't so sure but I went to a local store and tried them on. Wow! It's like walking on marshmallows. They seemed a little wobbly, but I found out that is what makes the shape-ups, shape you up. Huh? Yep, it takes muscles to stabilize you, so when you balance on them, they tone your muscles. Who couldn't use that! These are not your cheap tennies, but you get ultra comfortable shoes and a more toned body. Well, I did have to think about it for awhile and a kind relative bought them for me. They are so different! I couldn't wait to try them on and walk around. That was a bit of an experience. I've been sitting so long, my muscles were on vacation. They are really comfortable, but they take a bit to adjust to. (they even come with an instructon DVD). I took it really easy, about 20 minutes each day, no sore muscles. Each day I would get better balancing and then I started feeling the toning work.

I love them! Everyone should have a pair or two or three. The picture shows how they are designed and you can see that it is a different type of shoe. Finally, I have found a shoe that works for me.

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